Ryan Adams & The Cardinals at Constitution Hall 10/30/07
Set 1:
MockingBirds Sing
Beautiful Sorta
Cold Roses
Off Broadway *
Rescue Blues
Why Do They Leave? #
Everybody Knows
Space Wolf Birthday Song %
Please Don't Let Me Go
The Sun Also Sets
Halloween Head $ @
Night Birds $ @
When The Stars Go Blue
Set 2:
Intro Jam ->
Peaceful Valley ->
The Blue Hotel ->
Intro Jam ->
Goodnight Rose
Bartering Lines ^
Shakedown on 9th Street *
Goodnight, Hollywood Blvd
Easy Plato *
* - Includes an ambient jam
# - Ryan on the harmonica
% - Song perfrommed by the band for their bassist birthday
$ - Ryan on piano
@ - Ryan address the crowd with a megaphone mocking them for yelling at him on stage
^ - Performed completely different then on album
-> - indicates a song segueing into another
So last night I went on a sweet date with Dan B (among many others, but Dan was my seat date) to see Mr. Ryan Adams & The Cardinals. It was great. It was great to see so many different friends at the show as well. The music was amazing and Ryan played more then 30 minutes...which we were afraid he might do, depending on his mood. The set was pretty 'jammy' we concluded, but ti was fine with me. Dan and I kept a set list through out the show, which was a fun and challenging at times.
My highlights of the show were:
Why Do They Leave, hands down. Ryan's harmonica playing was so amazing!
Super heavy Cold Roses start to the show....3 tracks in a row!
Cold Roses (the song) turning to Dan while they were only singing together right as he says at the same time as "So amazing". Which it was.
Easy Plato that was jammed out for at least 12 minutes and had some crazy crazy ambient sections.