The amazing people over at Come Lets Dance made my transition into Uganda as simple as possible. I really want to thank them again for putting us up for two nights and showing us around Kampala.
our only full day with CLD was the last full day of three of their volunteers. I tagged along with them as they made a final visiti to their children's home to say goodbye (for now). As tradition has it, the kids get to drench the leaving volunteers and it turned into a mass water fight. Good times were to follow.
Thanks again guys for helping us out, you're such a blessing and I look forward to my time with you early next week!
You're awesome. I love you. So glad you can continue to update while you're in Uganda.
Wow! Amazing photos! Thanks for sharing! I was over in Uganda earlier this month with a group and we spent time with Shane, the CLD volunteers, and some of the children and women they have helped along the way. CLD is an amazing and wonderful blessing.
Much love,
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