sick job on the selfy poses son....
you have a very specific "i just caught a fish" face.
the fifth one down is where it's at.
this is one of my favorite blog posts ever. am i in that last one with you?
yeah, thats you.
dang charles...lookin good. I suppose it would be accurate in saying, I'm lovin all up on these.
The look of terror is stuck on the face of this fisherman indicating that the fight with this monster fish was nothing short of fierce. But you are the victor! I wonder what the facial expression would be if the fish were, say, bigger.
does Lake Frank come w/ mustard?
I hope you released him/her afterwards....
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sick job on the selfy poses son....
you have a very specific "i just caught a fish" face.
the fifth one down is where it's at.
this is one of my favorite blog posts ever. am i in that last one with you?
yeah, thats you.
dang charles...lookin good. I suppose it would be accurate in saying, I'm lovin all up on these.
The look of terror is stuck on the face of this fisherman indicating that the fight with this monster fish was nothing short of fierce. But you are the victor! I wonder what the facial expression would be if the fish were, say, bigger.
does Lake Frank come w/ mustard?
I hope you released him/her afterwards....
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