1st - I went to mikes house and we went to the park to throw the frisbee around for about an hour, it was freaking amazing out side, how could we not?
2nd - Returned to mikes house and he showed me some new music, like this total hottie named Kaki King who is amazing at guitar. I will marry her.
3rd - Because mike wouldn't be at home for his birthday, Tuesday the 9th, his mom gave him a birthday card in the kitchen with donuts. We ate them all.
4th - Went to my mothers house because I HAD to take Callie out side and play with her, it was way too nice not to. How could I not? So I did. We played on the swings, played with water, leafs, and rocks all at the same time. We then tried to figure out what the wind was (the image of the back of Callie's head looking up, she is looking up at the wind trying to understand it). We also even rolled our a pants up the same way because we are so cool together. She didn't want me to leave and ran to my car as I was pulling out and opened the door. As I was driving away she was showing my mom how she could roll down the hill in her front yard. It was amazing.
5th - After shooting a really long boring basketball game I went to College Park to leave for Baltimore for Anna's 21st birthday. Good times were had. At dinner, at the guys table, we talked about LOST for I'd say good solid 45 minutes to an hour. After that we went out and shots and I introduced Anna to a kamikaze...they taste good.

favorite image hands down= callie looking at the water
I see you have perfectly captured the 2 sides of my personality here.
Callie looks awesome. I have yet to meet her.
You should get Callie a disposable camera and let her take some pictures. Man, you're such a jerk!
Where have you been all my life? How am I just finding out about your blog junx now?
When are we hangin out. I long for your awkward man love.
you name a place and a time and we will love each other in a man way.
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