This picture is from the archives, a bit old but not that old.
Recently I've been thinking a lot about how I can separate myself from a situation I am in by using my camera to hide behind. I've realized that this act can be a healthy way to make pictures in hard situation but it can also be really unhealthy (to me). I have found in many conversations that making pictures and removing myself from the reality of the moment/conversations doesn't hit me until way later...way later. I don't know what my conclusion is to this or if there really is one but rather it's just something I have been thinking about. This week I've tried not to pick up my camera as much in those moments where I don't want to remove myself but be fully present. I'll see how it worked out when I go back into my RAW files a few months down the line. Should I have picked up my camera and made that picture in that hard conversations or should I have been 100% there? Only time will tell...